2023 Spring Piano Recital

What a wonderful end to our piano year - the Spring Recital. I have been so impressed by my student’s diligence, dedication, and hard work. I have loved laughing with them, playing games, playing duets. Our recital, held at Long Green Baptist Church, was a tremendous time to come together to celebrate the THREE C’s

C - Commitment - these students (and their parents) show their commitment to music, to me, to their future selves through coming to lessons, practicing, driving to and from lessons, and working hard during lessons.

C - Community - beyond the students and the parents, we have grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and friends come to the recitals to show their support. Through the Encouragement Cards - the offer support and compliments to not only their own child, but to other students in the studio as well. Their uplifting words of encouragement are a blessing to my heart.

C - Composers - we spent the second half of the year learning the names, facts, and songs of a variety of composers. During the recital, I put their knowledge to the test, playing excerpts from different composers and having audience members shout out the name of the composer or the title of the song. In the end, the person who had all the composers in the right order on their “Composer Lotto Ticket” won a prize. It was delightful to see everyone get involved - kids AND adults, excitedly shouting out answers! What an amazing group!

As a tribute to their hard work and for future reminiscing, here are videos of the students playing their pieces during the last lesson before the recital.

Beth Smith