Feast of Ideas Week 2 - Tomas Luis de Victoria

Wow - last week was so much fun! I so enjoyed getting to see the children eat the food, listen to the music, hear the stories, and put the composer in context of her real life! This week we are moving out of the Middle Ages and on to the Rennaisance. We have also left Germany and moved over to Spain to check out Tomas Luis de Victoria. One thing that struck me about de Victoria was that he was writing music the same time that Shakespeare was writing his plays. Isn’t that wild? I don’t think I ever put Shakespeare into context of the world before, he always kind of existed as his own solitary person. But now here is a contemporary of his, creating music that Shakespeare may have had the opportunity to hear (possibly?).

Here is the outline for how to prepare for this week’s Feast of Ideas

1) Download the Composer Study Activity Packet (CLICK HERE)

2) Gather needed materials such as books, food, artwork, computer links, music (This week’s RECIPE is Magdelenas, a delicious lemony cupcake)

*Here’s a note about Selecting Read Aloud Books -Use the names and events listed in n the Images Section on the Resource Page to give you ideas for Books to Read Aloud that are related to the Time Period of the Composer.

3) Complete activities throughout the week (can do as many or as few as you want)

Day 1

  • Listen to Song while coloring the doodle page

    Eat the food from their country while reading the living book

  • Discuss & cut out the concurrent people, places, inventions, and events that occurred during the composer’s lifetime.  Paste onto Map page. 

Day 2

  • Listen to a song from the composer (same song or different version, or another of the composer’s albums)

  • Complete the Sequencing worksheet

  • Geography: draw the country of the composer or work on drawing your continent

Day 3

  • Listen to music

  • Complete the Copywork Worksheet

  • Art

    • Copy, draw, attend artwork from the time period of composer

    • Read aloud a living book about the artist

    • Create your own artwork while listening to the music

Day 4

  • Listen to music

  • Complete Braille Decoding worksheet

  • Science

    • Read aloud a living book about a scientist or scientific discovery or invention that occurred during the composer’s life

    • Conduct an experiment (youtube, pinterest, library) based on an invention or discovery of the time period

Day 5

  • Listen to music

  • Complete the Rhythm Matching worksheet

  • History

    • Read aloud a living book about a historical event or person

    • Ask for a narration

Week 2 - Tomas Luis de Victoria

Click HERE to Learn More about de Victoria

You can also watch this short biographical video on de Victoria

Here are links to the music to listen by Victoria

Beth Smith