Spring 2021 Piano Recital & Compliments

One of my favorite songs is Look for the Silver Lining.  I love this song because it talks about though there are clouds in the sky, one should always look for the positive, the silver lining.  One of my BIGGEST silver linings this year is my piano students.  These kids have been such bright spots during the school year, from working hard to sharing smiles and hugs to making beautiful music.  We celebrated the end of our piano school year with a week of at home mini-recitals.  Here are some pictures and recital compliments from the day. 

Elliott Reuwer – Elliott played Yankee Doodle Dandy.  I loved how much Elliott loved this song.  It was his favorite song and he jumped at the chance to play it for the recital.  Great job Elliott!


Olivia Reuwer – Olivia played Banana Split.  Olivia has come so far this year in piano, graduating from the yellow books to the purple books and working so hard to read her music. 


Adara Reuwer – Adara played Dipping Donuts.  She did great playing each note, one by one, going higher and going lower.  She is setting up a great foundation for her future musical career. 


Liesey Childs – Liesey played I Just Can’t Wait to Be King and Roller Skating.  Liesey has done a wonderful job with her first year of lessons.  She comes prepared for each lesson, having practiced throughout the week and is eager to learn new concepts. 


Jackson Childs  - It was amazing that Jackson performed in the recital as he had only taken lessons for three weeks!!!!  Jackson learned almost 5 units in three short weeks and felt confident to perform at the recital.  I expect big things for his musical career. 


EJ Hart – EJ performed Ode to Joy.  He did a great job learning lots of new concepts and I love how proud he is when he learns a song. 


Evan Hart – Evan has worked so hard this year.  He has learned his finger numbers, higher and lower, left and right, quarter note and half note.  My favorite thing about Evan is how excited he gets when he plays a song correctly. 


The Boys (Kayden, Julio, Darius) – Boys, it is been a delight getting to know you.  Whether you joined us for music class, played games in piano, or were having fun with my daughters in the backyard, it has been great having you here. 


Landon McKinney – Landon played Scooby Doo Theme Song, Pop Goes the Weasel, and the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything.  Landon is a hard worker and despite some extra challenges this year, continued to make progress and work hard in his lessons.  He also continuously makes me laugh! Keep up the good work Landon.


Grace McKinney – Grace played It’s a Small World and the Opposite Song.  Grace always brings a sweet spirit with her to her lessons.  I love to see her beam with pride when she gets something right.  Keep smiling and keep playing Grace!


Maddox Lyon – Maddox played Grandmother and Lemonade Stand.  Maddox did a great job this year, even though for a few months while moving houses, he didn’t have a piano to practice! But he still came to lessons to work hard keeping up his skills.  I am so proud of Maddox and his great attitude and work ethic.  So proud of you Maddox!

Violet Chronowski – Violet played Winnie the Pooh and Haunted Mouse.  Violet has improved in her ability to play a song right away, she doesn’t always need her first time through to “clear out the cobwebs”.  I also appreciate Violet’s sense of humor – calling thumbs “married” when they share a key.  Makes me laugh every time!


Abigail Chronowski -   Abigail played Wish I Were a Fish.  Abby has built a strong foundation for her musical career, knowing when to go higher or lower, how long to hold quarter notes and half notes.  I love how proud she is when she answers a question correctly. 


N’dea MacIntosh – N’dea played hot Cross Buns and Banana Split.  N’dea has such a sweet spirit and I love seeing her smile when she learns to do something new on the piano. 


Tsehai MacIntosh --- Tseahi played All My Friends and Are You Sleeping.  Tsehai brigns such dedication to piano lessons, she comes well prepared and works hard during the lesson.  She is a delight to teach!

Kaelyn Wisler – Kaelyn played The Sleeping Beauty Waltz and Sonatina.  Kaelyn excels in so many areas – sight reading, practicing, and figuring out songs by ear.  I am always excited for her lesson because not only do we get to have fun moving through the songs in her books, but she often presents songs she has figured out by ear.  It’s always a surprise and a delight. 


Leah Wisler – Though I did not have Leah as an individual piano student this year, she did participate in my music class.  Leah is a blast to have in class – she is excited about everything, from solfege to rhythm challenges to silly games like Chicken on a Fence post (her excuse for why the Farmer can’t dance with Josie – got a bone in my leg!)  Leah just lights up every class she is in. 


Carmen Minge – Carmen played Eensie Weensie Spider and Baa Baa Black Sheep. Carmen has really clicked with so many piano concepts.  Her sight reading and her performing after practicing have improved so much over the course of the year.  I also love that Carmen likes to choose songs to play for her 2 year old sister to enjoy. 


Alexis Minge – Alexis played Just Can’t Wait to be King and Do You Want to Build a Snowman.  Alexis really settled into a strategy for improvement – playing songs she likes! When Alexis sets her mind to something, nothing will stop her from achieving her goals. 

Charlotte Higgins – Charlotte played Little Lost Kitty.  Charlotte loves to play games and work hard during her lesson.  She is always excited to try new things, using different finger numbers and playing different rhythms.   Keep up the great work Charlotte. 


Chelsea Higgins – Chelsea played Mary’s Rockin’ Pets.  Chelsea is very dedicated to her lessons. She always reminds me to give her hand sanitizer and then gets down to business, playing her review songs and earning her bingo stickers.  Keep working hard, Chelsea. 


Calleigh Higgins – Calleigh played Copy Cat, Do You Want to Build a Snowman, and I See the Light.  Calleigh is a very enthusiastic piano student.  She not only loves to perfect her assignments, but she LOVES to figure out songs by ear.  She has a wonderful ability to figure out songs just from listening and that skill is going to take her far.  Keep playin’ Calleigh. 


Catalena Higgins – Catalena played Showboat and Spanish Guitar.  Catalena is the most gentle and encouraging teenager to work with.  I love to see her sweet smile when she finally nails that difficult section or watch her confidence in herself grow.  She is also so kind and patient with my daughters, especially my youngest, who just adores getting to play with such a big kid.  What a treasure Catalena is!


Grace Myers – Grace played Classical Dance and Wild Colt.  From the very first lesson, Grace came ready to work, ready to learn, and ready to enjoy music.  She is a hard working student who practices well and comes to lessons ready to perform and enjoy her songs.  She is a creative and sweet student and she is also a kind and dear friend to my oldest daughter which is a blessing to our family. 


Riley Doak – Riley played Step in Time, Clock Shop, and Half Time Show.  Riley is a very flexibile and easy going student.  He is always willing to do the work and try hard during lessons but he is also a delightful student to talk with.  I am always excited when he tells me about his latest lego creation and I am grateful for his patience when I am slow to sign into a zoom lesson.  What a tech guru!

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Rayna Smith – Rayna Smith played Dippin’ Donuts.  Rayna loves to follow in big sisters’ footsteps and since she has three sisters who play the piano, Rayna is going to play the piano.  She has come a long way this year from learning her finger numbers forwards and backwards (count down) to playing one white key at a time.  It was tremendous fun to watch her play her donut song as she continuously scooted up and down the piano bench in order to reach all her notes.  Great job Rayna!


Noelle Smith – Noelle played Little Lost Kitty.  Though lessons weren’t always easy for Noelle, she eventually adjusted to taking piano with mommy.  Noelle learned to practice her songs every day with minimal complaining and even started to look forward to playing her favorite songs! I hope you continue to find favorite songs, Noelle!


Charlotte Smith – Charlotte played Forest Drums and Do You Want to Build a Snowman.  Charlotte has started to speed up through her lessons this year.  Something just clicked and she is grasping new and hard concepts like staccato and legato and really keeping a steady beat.  Charlotte has also gotten much better at practicing on her own and coming to the piano to create her own music.  Keep improvising Charlotte!


Norah Smith – Norah played Camel, Just Can’t Wait to be King, and Let It Go.  Norah is coming into her own as a piano player. She can practice independently (with mommy helping only some of the time) and she often goes to the piano to play her favorite songs on her own initiative.  She has really smoothed out her steady beat and is listening to herself as she plays and has improved in her note reading.  You are really sailing now Norah!

To the parents, grandparents, family and friends - thank you for your support. You are a wonderful musical community. Your support through paying for lessons, driving kids to lessons, helping them practice at home, listening and encouraging them as they practice are all an invaluable part of their musical education journey. Thank you for all you do to help support these wonderful piano students! Have a wonderful summer and we’ll see you in the fall!

Beth Smith