Because by Mo Willems - Book Review on Monday Morning Music Review

Because by Mo Willems is one of my FAVORITE books. The concept is simple - the actions of a composer from a long time ago influence an entire community which leads to changing the life of a little girl.

“Because a man named Ludwig wrote beautiful music….”

leads people to

practice their instruments

learn his music and

put on a performance.

At this performance, a girl in attendance is transfixed by the music, transforming the direction of her life.

I love building musical community. Whether a choir, a band, or students in a piano studio; community encourages practice, trying new things, sticking with hard things, and enjoying the beauty we can create together. “Because” pulls back the curtain of ALL the people in your community - from a long ago composer to the professional musicians, from the train conductor who brings the orchestra conductor to the concert. From the electrician working on the lights in the concert hall to the librarian passing out and keeping track of the sheet music. Everyone has a job, everyone is needed - just like the instruments in an orchestra so are the members of a community.

A second reason I enjoy this book is how it shows the blend of inspiration and hard work needed to be “successful”. Not only was the girl inspired by the beauty of the music and the musicians hard work, she went off and practiced…for years, perfecting her skill and honing her talent. Music is a discipline that can and does inspire people. This book, correctly, highlights the hard work.

I won’t give away the ending of the book - I want you to go and read it for yourself, but at the end of the book there is an original piece of music. To listen to the song, click below.

After you listened to the song and read the book, come back to these questions to start a discussion with your child/student.

  1. Retell the chain of events that brought the girl to the concert?

  2. How did the music affect the girl?

  3. What steps did the girl take after she went to the concert?

  4. Why was the girl able to perform her song when she grew up?

  5. Why do you think she named her song the cold?

  6. Who was the most important person in that story? Why?

If you are interested in purchasing your own copy of the book Because, click below. (*this is not a paid promotion, I receive no compensation for this recommendation, I just really love this book).

Beth Smith1 Comment