December 4th: Rose of Bethlehem

Rose of Bethlehem, written by Lowell Anderson, and performed by Selah in 2002.

Daily To Do (remember - cuddle up on a blanket, drink hot cocoa, make it snuggly and fun!)

  1. Listen to the carols

  2. Read the story, have a discussion with your child. 

  3. Glue the picture on the advent chart.  If you are looking for ways to tie in this advent calendar to your school work, go through the following questions for these subjects.

 Music – Listen to the different versions of the carol.  Honestly, just enjoying the carols is enough for music appreciation.

  1. What was the same about the versions of the song?  What was different?

  2. Were any unique instruments used?

  3. What was the tempo? Fast or Slow.

  4. Did they hear any dynamic changes? Quiet to Loud (Piano to Forte)



  1. Toddler/Preschool – ask them to point to different objects in the book. 

  2. Elementary schooler – Ask them for one thing they remember from the story.

  3. Middle & High Schooler – Ask them to narrate (summarize) the story.

Music Selections


Book Recommendations

A little girl, sister to three shepherds, wonders what gift she can bring the newborn king. Great book to introduce the concept of Legends.

Optional Extra Activities

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