Feast of Ideas Week 6 - George Frederic Handel

George Frederic Handel was a prolific musician and composer during the Baroque era. He was born in Germany, studied in Italy, and settled in England. His most famous piece, The Messiah, has been popular since it premiered in Dublin in 1742.

... But Handel’s harmony affects the soul,
To sooth by sweetness, or by force controul;
And with like sounds as tune the rolling spheres,
So tunes the mind, that ev’ry sense has ears.
When jaundice jealousy, and carking care,
Or tyrant pride, or homicide despair,
The soul as on a rack in torture keep,
Those monsters Handel’s music lulls to sleep.

an anonymous poem in The Gentleman's Magazine (May 1740) (WEBSITE)

Please check out the following resources to learn more about this well travelled composer…

  • Activity Packet: (CLICK HERE)

  • Click HERE to read more about Handel

  • German RECIPE: Brotchen

  • English RECIPE: Welsh Cookies

  • Music: check out the following Handel pieces


Looking to integrate your Music lesson with Science, Art, Literature, and History into your Homeschool week? Follow these steps

The Composer Study Activity Packet (CLICK HERE)

2) Gather needed materials such as books, food, artwork, computer links, music (This week has two recipes: German RECIPE: Brotchen & English RECIPE: Welsh Cookies)

3) Complete activities throughout the week (can do as many or as few as you want). Open up YouTube and search for Handel, have the music playing in the background as you complete the activities each day.

Day 1

  • Listen to Song while coloring the doodle page

    Eat the food from their country while reading the living book

  • Discuss & cut out the concurrent people, places, inventions, and events that occurred during the composer’s lifetime.  Paste onto Map page. 

Day 2

  • Complete the Sequencing worksheet

  • Geography

    • Locate Germany, England, and Italy on a map

    • Draw the countries of the European continent

Day 3

  • Complete the Copywork Worksheet

  • Art - Tiepolo: The Sacrifice of Isaac

    • Read aloud a living book about the artist

    • Create your own artwork or look at Tiepolo’s artwork (Giambattista Tiepolo: His Life and Art by Micheal Levey BOOK) while listening to Water Music)

Day 4

  • Complete Braille Decoding worksheet

  • Science

    • Unit study on French mathematician, inventor, and philosopher, Blaise Pascal

      • Invented the first mechanical calculator

      • Probability

Day 5

  • Complete the Rhythm Matching worksheet

  • History - Benjamin Franklin

    • Read alouds

      • The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin by James Giblin

      • It’s up to You, Ben Franklin by Tom Hirschfeld

      • Bejamin Franklin by Kathleen Krull

    • Ask for a narration

Beth Smith