A Song Tale: My Aunt Came Back - Monday Music Review

What is a song tale?

A song tale is musical literature.  It’s a story with a tune.  Believe it or not, you have probably heard a song tale before – like Over in the Meadow, Going on a Bear Hunt, or There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.  Because song tales usually emerge from folk music, songs passed down from parent to child over generations, we usually won’t know the composer or creator of the song tale.


This Week’s Song Tale: My Aunt Came Back

We actually know the composer of this week’s song tale, My Aunt Came Back.  The tune was written by Edward F. Rimbault in 1751 and was originally a hymn.  However it found its way into other songs by way of a drinking song “How Dry I Am”.    But true to form for most song tales, we don’t know who wrote the words to My Aunt Came Back.


My Aunt Came Back is a great introduction into the world of Song Tales.  It’s quite easy to learn as it is an echo song (teacher sings the line, students sing the same line right after - as an echo), the tune is simple to remember, the lyrics rhyme, and the motions are hilarious.   Each verse of the song adds a motion like tapping your foot or waving your hand like a fan and by the end of the 6 verses, you are moving like a crazy person.  When I do this song with children during lessons, I always tell the parents “NO VIDEOS PLEASE” because it would make great blackmail against me. ;-) But here is a video of my children doing the motions.

How to do Song Tales

*ideas were summarized from John Feierabend’s First Steps in Music curriculum, reference at the end

-        It’s important to remember, song tales are not just songs, they are stories with tunes attached.  Be flexible with the rhythm and expression of the song. 

-        Try to memorize the song tale

-        Try to sing the song acapella (unaccompanied by instrument) so children can hear the expressiveness in the voice parts.

-        Use a picture book to go along with the song tale (but try to have the students familiar with the song before you introduce the book).  We want them really listening to the song before they get distracted looking at the pictures.

-        Have FUN with it!

Who can do this Song Tale?

The simple answer is Everyone.  But younger children in particular will probably enjoy this one the most.  I use it with my younger elementary school students with much success.  I do recommend that parent sings it or finds a recording to play if you are uncomfortable singing in front of people.  But the great thing about folk songs like this – they are simple tunes, don’t have a wide range of notes, and don’t require a lot of musical chops to be able to sing it.  They were meant to be sung from parent to child.

For more song tales or to order the picture book that I use, click below

Beth Smith