An Ode to Mothers on Mother’s Day - Monday Music Review

For this Mother’s Day, I would like to honor a few of the mothers in my life.  I have picked a song that makes me think of each of these women, maybe it’s their favorite song, or the lyrics remind me of them, or the tone of the song makes me think of their personality.   Even though these songs are selected for specific people, I think they represent all different types of mothers. So to these special women and all the mothers out there, these songs are for you. Happy Mother’s Day!


The Capable Mom

Megan – My sister in law, Megan.  You are one of the smartest selfless people I know.  Through many trials, you never begrudged anyone else’s joy.   Though your journey to motherhood may not have looked like others, it has revealed a fortitude of character, perseverance, and love.  I love seeing you with your boys.  They are so loved and they feel so safe with you.  I have learned much from you, from getting tips for how to sneak veggies into meals to how to approach swimming lessons to thinking through homeschooling.   The song I picked for you, Songs My Mother Taught Me, by Dvorak reminds me of your desire to teach your children, your roll as family historian passing down family legacies, and your love of classical music.  So, to my very capable and loving sister in law, Happy Mother’s Day.

The Advocate Mom

Abby – My sister in law, Abby.  Abby, you are one of the hardest working mothers I know.  Your selflessness knows no bounds.  You fiercely love and provide and advocate for your children.   It is a delight to hear you laugh at your children’s adorable antics.  And the love that your girls have for one another is a testament to the loving environment you and Jason provide.   I have been so impressed watching you grow in knowledge, understanding, flexibility, and service all for your beautiful family.  The song I selected for you, What Makes You Beautiful (by One Direction and covered by The Piano Guys), was one of my favorite songs when I first became a mother.   The lightness of the song makes me think of the lightness and joy your daughters to bring to this world and I would like to share this song with you.  So to my beautiful and loving sister in law, Happy Mother’s Day.

The Calm Mom

Bethany – My sister in law, Bethany.  Bethany, you are one of the calmest, most even keeled mothers I know.  Nothing seems to shake you.  Heck, you gave birth during a world wide pandemic and didn’t even bat an eye!  I love watching you share your life, your friends, your preferences, your wit with your daughter (and son too).   The song I selected for you was new to me, but when I heard it, I immediately thought of you.   Best Day by Taylor Swift just looks like the way your daughter enjoys her days, doing life with her Mom.  So to my calm and witty sister in law, Happy Mother’s day.

The Sweet Mom

Dorothea – My sister in law, Dorothea.  What a blessing you are to our family – you are one of the sweetest, most caring mothers I know.  When you joined our family, you immediately became an aunt, and a terrific aunt at that.  You demonstrate such love with your curiosity, concern, and questions for and about my daughters.  You have been preparing to be a mother since the day I met you.  And though your journey to motherhood was surprising at times, you handled the changes with selflessness and (eventual) serenity. J   I delight seeing you with your boys, reading to them, teaching them, encouraging manners while still accepting them for who they are.  And I am so excited to welcome this little Kilmer girl, because like I always say, the world always needs more Kilmer girls!   The song I selected for you, Baby Mine, from Dumbo makes me think of you because it’s Disney (hello, obvious) and the tenderness of a mother singing to her child completely embodies your sweetness.  So to my sweet and caring sister in law, Happy Mother’s Day. 

The Mom to All

Meg – My sister, Meg.   You will always be a part of my Mother’s Day, not only because we share the best mother in the world, but you were with me on the day I became a mother, my labor friend for Norah’s birth.   Besides coming along side me, I have gotten to witness you grow into one of the most amazing mothers I know.    I have learned so much from you – balancing work and home, building a piano studio, incorporating music into a natural part of family life, not avoiding hard things because they are hard, but doing them because they are good.  Not only do you fiercely love your beautiful children, you try to understand them, you accept them for who they are while molding them into the people God is calling them to be.  You have such a heart of a mother that it overflows to those without family of their own.  You take people in who can be hard to love and you serve and care for them well.  I love and admire you so much.  The song I selected for you is Loving Isn’t Waiting For You.  We listened to this song a lot while waiting to become mothers and I think of you, with your heart of a mother, loving those who aren’t even part of your family yet.  To my loving mother to many sister, Happy Mother’s Day.

The Go the Extra Mile Mom

Lynn – My mother in law.  Lynn, you are a priceless treasure.  I always tell people I lucked out so unbelievably much to have a mother in law like you.  I truly gained another wonderful mom when I married Jared.  You welcomed me into your family and treated me like one of your daughters.  You have held me when I cried and delighted with me when I rejoiced.  And never did I see you delight anywhere as much as in your role as a grandmother.  You work tirelessly (and cheerfully) to be there for all of your grandchildren – holding them as soon as you can when they are born, traveling many miles, you get down on the floor and play, your arms are constantly giving hugs, you are a sucker for giving piggy back rides, you provide meals and treats, reading endless numbers of books.  And it’s never a complaint, you only show gratitude for getting to be a grandmother, never realizing how extremely grateful we all are to have you as a grandmother to our children.  In honor of Mother’s day, I selected your favorite hymn – A Mighty Fortress is Our God.  I thought that very fitting, your love for your children and grandchildren, though warm and safe is also strong and unwavering.  So to my wonderful, loving Mother-In-Law & Gubby, Happy Mother’s Day. 

The Cultivating Mom

Mom – My mom.  You are hands down the best mother anyone could ever ask for.   Your love, your service, your understanding was a constant our childhood filled with Army moves every three years.   You cultivated a home everyone wanted to come to.  Our friends loved you, shared with you, and were loved by you.  Even as a teenager, I was drawn to share with you rather than withdraw from you.  Your understanding of children is unparalleled.  Your ability to be a listening ear is probably the thing I most want emulate (and probably the thing I am furthest from).   You are also an amazing mother-in-law.  Though all of the spouses who married into our family have wonderful mothers of their own (praising God for that), you have completely enriched their life.  Walking that line of not replacing or competing with their mother, just enhancing and enriching their life.  And then, and then you became Nana.  Watching you delight in your grandchildren is one of the best gifts of my life.   You demonstrate how love multiplies with each new grandchild, never divides.  My children are so unbelievably blessed to have you as a Nana.  The song I picked for you, For the Beauty of the Earth, makes me think of you for many reasons.  The sweet tune is gentle and safe, the attitude of the song is one of thankfulness, and the lyrics conjure up images of a garden.  Like your own garden that you work so hard in, you have worked to endlessly cultivate a loving family is rooted in strength and blooming in beauty.   So to the most wonderful mother in the world, Happy Mother’s Day. 

The Grandmother

Nanny – Though my Nan is no longer with us, I still wanted to honor her with a song.  My Nanny was sweetness in human form.  I am so grateful for the year in grad school where I got to visit her and Pop Pop every other weekend.  She would do my laundry, make me dinner, and we would talk and play cards.  I am so grateful for that gift of time.  And though, she never got to meet my daughters in person (she saw a picture of Norah), I know she would have been immensely proud of and delighted by them.  I want to honor my Nan with the songs she sang to me as a little girl.   My favorite was “You Are My Sunshine” which I sang to each one of my girls when they were babies.  This song would often elicit their first smiles.  So to honor my sweet Nan, Happy Mother’s Day.

To All The Moms

For all ups and downs, trials and joys, good days and bad, early mornings and late nights - these songs are for you. Happy Mother’s Day!

To pick you up,

To make you laugh,

To remind you of the little moments of delight,

To persevere in the never-ending love of motherhood.

Happy Mother’s Day

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