Spring 2020 Piano Recital in Quarantine

Hello! Welcome to the Spring 2020 Piano Recital in Quarantine.  What an interesting year it’s been.  We had to stop lessons in the middle of the semester due to the virus and stay at home orders.  Some students were able to come back and finish their lessons through Zoom.  While not ideal, it was still great getting to see faces and to continue to work on lesson, performance, technique, and theory.  For students who were unable to do Zoom lessons, I’m sure you were still practicing and playing and just enjoying music.   Before we get to the performances, I did want to say Thank You.

Thank you to the students – you all have worked so hard, been so flexible, and still pursued your love of music no matter the circumstance.  When we were still having in person lessons, I loved laughing with you, playing piano bingo, and watching you learn and grow.  When lessons had to end early, it was sad, it was hard, but I am still so proud of all of you and the work you have done.  I can’t wait till we can be together again.

To the parents – thank you for your patience with my endless emails and updates, adapting to new schedules and formats, for sitting with your student while they got a Zoom lesson, or just encouraging them to still play even though lessons have temporarily stalled.  This season has revealed how important parent support is to a child’s musical education.  Not only financial and material support, but driving students to lessons, scheduling, figuring out Zoom, recording videos, sometimes LITERALLY being my hands and eyes for me when I can’t be there in person.  Parents – you are amazing & thank you.


To friends & family watching – thank you for your continued support of these students.  From listening to them play, offering words of encouragement, and sometimes even providing the means for lessons themselves, you are a gift to our musical community and I thank you for being a part of it.


Now we get to the good stuff – the performances.  One of the hardest things about a Recital in Quarantine is not getting the applause for a job well done.  So I’m offering the option of a Recital Compliment Exchange.  After each song is a button – click on that button and you can send an encouragement or compliment for the student.  All the submissions will come to me and I will forward them on to each student.  So while the student won’t be able to get immediate applause, at least they will receive some positive feedback for all their hard work!

And now, without further ado, sit back, listen, enjoy, and send an encouraging comment – The Spring 2020 Recital in Quarantine.

Rayna Smith - Will You Play?

Noelle Smith - Racoon’s Birthday

Zach Coon - Hot Cross Buns

Elliott Reuwer - All the Stars

Calleigh Higgins - Rex, the Tyrannosaurus

Catalena Higgins - Russian Folk Song

Charlotte Smith - Showboat

Enny Osunkoya - Can Can

Kaelyn Wisler - The Trumpet Song

David Osunkoya - Castle in the Clouds

Sophie Osunkoya - Havana

Abigail Bull - Shenandoah

Norah Smith - Do You Want to Build a Snowman

Of course, at the end of every performance students should bow.  In a video-online-social distanced Recital in quarantine, we didn’t have the opportunity…. so I decided to bow for you.  Enjoy the different types of “student recital bows”

Beth Smith