Composer Study - Francesca Caccini

Francesca Caccini

La Cecchina = the Songbird

Composer Study

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Music Lesson Plan

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  • Read Alouds

  • Time & Place Connection Subjects

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Multi-Subject Connections

  • Science Activity, read aloud

  • Art Activity, read aloud

  • Literature Activity, read aloud, copywork

  • History Activity, read alouds, decoding worksheets

Francesca Caccini related food: Mostaccioli

Make and eat this French Dessert. Click on the picture below to go to the recipe.


Francesca Caccini’s Music

Song 1: La liberazione di Ruggiero dall'isola d'Alcina: Scena I. Sinfonia - Cosi perfida Alcina

The first scene in Caccini's opera (The Liberation of Ruggiero from the island of Alcina)

SONG 2: Francesca Caccini: Lasciatemi Qui Solo

A beautiful piece of music by Francesca Caccini - daughter of Giulio Caccini, and the first female composer with a complete opera.

Song 3: Francesca Caccini: Antri gelati

Caccini's Antri gelati (Frozen Caves).

Song 4: Chi desia, Francesca Caccini (1587–c1641)

Sunday, November 12, 2017 at 6pm

Zilkha Hall | Hobby Center for the Performing Arts, Houston, Tx

At prominent Italian courts and in forward-looking cities like Venice, the decades around 1600 saw a remarkable flowering of female musical talent—virtuoso singers especially—who took advantage of new opportunities for professional musicians. Italian Sirens is devoted to these unique voices, as realized in the work of three remarkable early 17th-century composers: Isabella Leonarda, Francesca Caccini, and Barbara Strozzi.

This musical tricolore spotlights a trio of exceptional Houston singers in the company of a colorful continuo band of violins, cello, Baroque harp, theorbo, and harpsichord.

Biography: Tre Donne Italiane: Part 2, Francesca Caccini

Jordan Meierhofer presents biographies on 3 women composers, this video about Francesca Caccini is the 2nd in the series. It is a 4 minute video.

Beth SmithComment