Composer Study - Robert Morton

Robert Morton (1430 - 1479), an English composer during the Renaissance period. He only has 8 surviving pieces of music, all in French, because King Henry of England eliminated Catholic monastier in England in the 1530s. He is known for writing Quodlibets, when 2 or more melodies are sung at the same time to create harmony

Composer Study

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Multi-Subject Connections

  • Science Activity, read aloud

  • Art Activity, read aloud

  • Literature Activity, read aloud, copywork

  • History Activity, read alouds, decoding worksheets

Robert Morton related food: Banoffee Bars

Make and eat this English dessert. Click on the picture below to go to the recipe.


Robert Morton’s Music

Robert Morton was one of several English composers associated with the court of Burgundy (along with John Bedyngham and Walter Frye) who wrote courtly love songs with beautiful harmonies. While this version is written for a 4-part vocal ensemble; there is another with the same title by Morton for 3 parts.

A barbershop quartet demonstrates a quodlibet (Latin meaning "whatever pleases") through an Rice Krispies cereal jingle!

Nina Simone sings a quodlibet - singing Little Girl Blue with the accompaniment of Good King Wenseslacas

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