Christmas Carol Advent Calendar

2021 Christmas Carol Advent Calendar

Jingling Bells, Rum Pum Pumming Drums, Angels being Harkened, Halls being Decked - the Christmas Season is upon us. Whether you start listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween or you have the amazing self-control to wait until the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Carols are one of the best parts of the season. Listening to carols, decorating Christmas cookies, trimming the tree, Advent is often one of the busiest seasons of the year. How can you add in one more activity to an already busy schedule?

I designed A Christmas Carol Advent Calendar to help you count down to Christmas in a low key, no- prep kind of way. Each day of Advent, check out the blog for that day’s Christmas Carol. Listen to one or more of the version of the song listed. That’s it! Easy Peesy Lemon Breezy!

But maybe you would like a little more to do for your Christmas Count Down? You could complete an actual Advent Calendar Printable. I also love reading aloud to my children, so I have at least one book recommendation for each Christmas Carol.

In order to prepare for a Christmas Carol Advent, follow these steps.

1.      Download the FREE advent calendar printable.  You can cut up the images and keep them in a Ziploc bag or envelope nearby.  Every day you participate in the calendar, glue that day’s picture onto the chart to help countdown to Christmas. 

2.      Prepare your books.  Check out the books from your local library.  Each day has a recommended book but in case your library doesn’t carry a particular book, I’ve listed extra books with which you can substitute for the day.

3.      Bookmark the You Tube Playlist.  Open up the link to the Christmas Carol Advent 2021 Playlist and bookmark it.  *The playlist may not contain every single video (some videos are not able to be saved to a playlist).  In that case, just click through the link on the day of Blog post.

4.      Decide if you are interested in purchasing any of the supplemental or optional worksheets.  Purchase the ones you want and store them in a folder or binder to pull out on their assigned day.

How to Use your Christmas Carol Advent Calendar.

Set aside a specific time every day.  Make it special and cozy. 

  1. Open the Carol Blog post for the day, and follow each instruction. 

  2. Listen to the carols.

  3. Read the story & have a discussion with your child..

  4. Have your child glue the picture on their advent chart. 

  5. If you are looking for ways to tie in this advent calendar to your school work, go through the following questions for these subjects.

 Music – Listen to the different versions of the carol.  Honestly, just enjoying the carols is enough for music appreciation.

-        What was the same about the versions of the song?  What was different?

-        Were any unique instruments used?

-        What was the tempo? Fast or Slow.

-        Did they hear any dynamic changes? Quiet to Loud (Piano to Forte)

-        Which version did you like better? Why? (Take a vote among your family)



-        Toddler/Preschool – ask them to point to different objects in the book. 

-        Elementary schooler – Ask them for one thing they remember from the story.

-        Middle & High Schooler – Ask them to narrate (summarize) the story.

Supplemental Christmas Materials

Beth SmithComment